
Research & Evaluation

Strategic Visioning & Planning

Project Development & Management

During my decade as a Senior Program Officer at the California Health Care Foundation, I worked with Monique Parrish as a healthcare consultant. In 2007, the foundation started investing in palliative care, and Monique and I worked closely for the next eight years to establish palliative care teams in California’s public hospital system. Monique was an invaluable asset to the project, thanks to her professionalism, expertise in complex dynamics, excellent writing and analytical skills, and mastery of planning and logistics. She always met deadlines with a smile, was a polished presenter, readily credited others, and had an excellent work ethic. I wholeheartedly endorse Monique both professionally and personally as a highly-skilled healthcare consultant and a wonderful person.

Kate O’Malley
Former Senior Program Officer
California Health Care Foundation

Research & Evaluation

We believe in open, collaborative working relationships with our partners. We cooperatively design and implement research and evaluation projects with you to enable your organization to change, strengthen, and improve the quality of programs and services to meet the needs of clients and populations.

Santa Clara County Adult Caregiver Study

Conducted a countywide study that analyzed caregiving in Santa Clara County, California, with a primary focus on family caregivers and a secondary emphasis on direct care workers, an essential caregiver workforce. The study, supported by the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors and overseen by the Santa Clara County Department of Aging and Adult Services, produced a multipronged five-year plan with actionable recommendations to advance a person- and family-centered caregiving support system for Santa Clara County.

Dementia Capable Napa County: Final Evaluation Report

Evaluated the Dementia Capable Napa County project, led by Community Health Napa Valley (formerly Collabria Care) and funded through the Administration for Community Living Alzheimer’s Disease Program Initiative. The project implemented multiple interventions to improve the quality of life and physical functioning of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD) and their caregivers and increase community members’ understanding and awareness of ADRD. LifeCourse Strategies highlighted key findings from the three-year project and recommended future actions.

Los Angeles Caregiver Landscape Analysis

Prepared an analysis of caregiver needs in Los Angeles County to identify, understand, and respond to the diverse needs of family caregivers in Los Angeles County (LAC) with actionable recommendations. The analysis was overseen by the University of Southern California Family Caregiver Support Center (USC FCSC). It was part of the Los Angeles County Building Our Largest Dementia Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Act Initiative (LA BOLD) led by the Los Angeles Department of Public Health.

Santa Clara County Adult Day Services Feasibility Study

Completed a feasibility study of the Santa Clara County Senior Care Commission’s request to have the County provide affordable respite care at Adult Day Care Centers. The study’s final report presented a collaboratively funded subsidy pilot to support expanded access to adult day programs for Santa Clara County residents. The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors modified and authorized the pilot.

Strategic Visioning & Planning

We believe every organization has a North Star. Our organizational and strategy development services help your organization identify and overcome obstacles and pursue opportunities that align with your values and goals.

California’s Hidden Dementia Care Asset: Social Workers [A CalGrows Report]

Provided project management services for a CalGrows (overseen by the California Department of Aging) project led by Family Caregiver Alliance and Rush University Medical Center’s Center for Excellence in Aging that explored the role of dementia care specialists, nationally and in California. Prepared the final report, which recommended establishing and sustaining a Family and Dementia Care Consultant (FDCC) and training, with multiple training pathways for social workers and community professionals in California.

Accelerating Change: Community-Based Palliative Care in Public Hospitals

Prepared a publication that describes the efforts of the California Health Care Foundation (CHCF) to implement and expand community-based palliative care (CBPC) services in public hospitals throughout California. The report profiles multiple initiatives and their outcomes, led by CHCF between 2015 and 2019, to ensure that vulnerable and underserved communities in California have access to CBPC.

Addressing San Francisco’s Vulnerable Post-Acute Care Patients

Served as project manager for the San Francisco Post‐Acute Care Collaborative (PACC) and lead author for its final report. PACC was sponsored by the Hospital Council of Central and Northern California, and members included leaders from San Francisco private nonprofit hospitals, the San Francisco Departments of Public Health and Aging and Adult Services (DAAS), and other stakeholders. The collaborative promoted unique solutions to address the gaps in post-acute care for low-income individuals with limited social support in San Francisco.

Project Development & Management

Organizations, like individuals, benefit from diverse perspectives when difficult decisions need to be made. We provide a fresh perspective and support for new and existing projects, drawing on our experience facilitating workgroups and implementing diverse projects.

Association of California Caregiver Resource Centers Strategic Plan

Led a multi-day strategic planning retreat for the Association of California Caregiver Resource Centers and facilitated their updated three-year strategic plan, highlighting priority areas for the Association and responsive goals and action items.

Napa Valley Support Services Strategic Plan

Organized and facilitated a daylong strategic planning retreat for senior staff and the Board of Directors for Napa Valley Support Services (NVSS), which helps people with intellectual, physical, and developmental disabilities to achieve their goals and live meaningful lives. Prepared an updated NVSS strategic plan.

Homebridge Strategic Plan

Facilitated a six-month strategic planning process with the Homebridge leadership and members of the Board of Directors. The strategic plan outlined critical environmental, population, workforce, and economic factors impacting Homebridge’s complex care population and corresponding relevant goals and objectives.

We’re here to help you and your organization!